Parish News

St Mary’s Church Double Flush
September 26, 2023
Launching 8th October with Worplesdon Praise - St Mary’s Church Double Flush! No, not the name of an intriguing new card game, but the next big project for our parish, following on from Feeling Flush! at St Alban’s.


St Mary’s Church Double Flush! No, not the name of an intriguing new card game, but the next big project for our parish, following on from Feeling Flush! at St Alban’s.

After 50 years of being a great resource, the toilets and kitchen at St Mary’s need modernising: the roof has been leaking, the kitchen units have worn out through damp, the toilet needs refurbishing and there is no disabled step-free access.

Once we are ready to build, the ceiling will be raised to allow a level floor with the St Mary’s Room. Two modern toilets will be installed; one with wheelchair access. Privacy windows will be created, and there will be a mini galley housing coffee equipment and other necessities.


Planning permission and an initial-stage faculty (Church of England Planning Permission) have been granted, plans drawn up and cost estimates obtained, so it’s time for the work of fundraising to begin!


The estimated total cost is over £125,000. We have a small team applying to various grant-making bodies to help us towards this target. Some organisations prefer to offer ‘match-funding’; that is, to equal the amount that is raised from the parish, and this is where we would really appreciate your help.

Are you able to offer a gift (perhaps in memory of someone, or to celebrate a special time in your life)? You may choose to be anonymous if you prefer, or to have your kind donation entered on the ‘roll of honour’ that will feature in the new facilities when completed. There are a number of ways to give: by cheque to the parish office, online or by planned giving: see links above. If now is not the right time for you to give, please consider leaving a legacy to the PCC in your will: we have cause to be so grateful to past parishioners who have done so, enabling our work in the parish to continue.


Do address any questions to: