Services at Worplesdon Parish

We offer a range of worship services which we hope will appeal to you. Services at the parish church, St Mary’s, are rather more traditional while those at St Alban’s are less formal. We look forward to seeing you at either church.

Service Locations

St Mary's Church

Varied services every Sunday from 10:30am at St Mary’s church in Worplesdon

St. Alban's Church

Services from our Church in the heart of Wood Street Village every Sunday* from 10:30am (excluding the 5th Sunday of every month)

Online Services

Twice a week (Monday morning and Thursday morning) via Zoom.

Types of Service

Family Communion

2nd & 4th Sunday of every month
St Mary’s Church

Using ‘Common Worship’ words and liturgy (Conventional sung service with sermon, choir, organ and hymns).

Celtic Communion

3rd Sunday of every month &
5th Sunday of every month with St. Alban’s
St. Mary’s Church

A traditional service, using music and responses in the liturgy.

Morning Prayer

1st Sunday of every month
St Mary’s Church

Said liturgy with hymns and organ.

Weekday prayer (online)

9:00am Monday morning
5:30pm Thursday evening
Online via Zoom

Worship for All with Communion

1st Sunday of every month
St. Albans

Contemporary informal family-orientated service, with a reflection and worship songs.

Worship for All

2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday of every month
St Albans

Contemporary informal family-orientated service, with a reflection and worship songs.

'Reflecting the love of God in all we say and do'